Source code for dallinger.experiment_server.dashboard

import json
import logging
import six
import timeago
from copy import deepcopy
from datetime import datetime
from datetime import timedelta
from six.moves.urllib.parse import urlencode
from flask import Blueprint
from flask import current_app
from flask import abort, flash, redirect, render_template, request, url_for
from flask.wrappers import Response
from flask_wtf import FlaskForm
from tzlocal import get_localzone
from wtforms import StringField, PasswordField, BooleanField, SubmitField, HiddenField
from wtforms.validators import DataRequired, ValidationError
from flask_login import current_user, login_required, login_user, logout_user
from flask_login import UserMixin
from flask_login.utils import login_url as make_login_url
from dallinger import recruiters
from import HerokuApp
from dallinger.config import get_config
from .utils import date_handler, error_response, success_response

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class User(UserMixin):
    def __init__(self, userid, password): = userid
        self.password = password

[docs]class DashboardTab(object):
[docs] def __init__(self, title, route_name, children_function=None, params=None): """Creates a new dashboard tab :param title: Title string to appear in the dashboard HTML :type title: str :param route_name: The registered route name (optionally prefixed with ``dashboard.``) :type route_name: str :param children_function: A callable that returns an iterable of ``DashboardTab`` to be displayed as children of this tab :type position: function, optional :param params: A mapping of url query string parameters used when generating the route url. :type position: dict, optional """ self.title = title if not route_name.startswith("dashboard."): route_name = "dashboard." + route_name self.route_name = route_name self.children_function = children_function self.params = params
def url(self): url = url_for(self.route_name) if self.params is not None: url += "?" + urlencode(self.params) return url @property def has_children(self): return self.children_function is not None def __eq__(self, other): return self.__class__ == other.__class__ and all( getattr(self, attr) == getattr(other, attr) for attr in self.__dict__ ) def __iter__(self): if self.has_children: children = self.children_function() for child in children: yield child
[docs]class DashboardTabs(object): tabs = () def __init__(self, tabs): self.tabs = list(tabs) or []
[docs] def insert(self, title, route_name, position=None): """Creates a new dashboard tab and inserts it (optionally at a specific position) :param title: Title string to appear in the dashboard HTML :type title: str :param route_name: The registered route name (optionally prefixed with ``dashboard.``) :type route_name: str :param position: The 0-based index where the tab should be inserted. By default tabs will be appended to the end. :type position: int, optional """ tab = DashboardTab(title, route_name) self.insert_tab(tab, position)
[docs] def insert_tab(self, tab, position=None): """Insert a new dashboard tab (optionally at a specific position) :param tab: DashboardTab instance :type tab: DashboardTab :param position: The 0-based index where the tab should be inserted. By default tabs will be appended to the end. :type position: int, optional """ if position is None: self.tabs.append(tab) else: self.tabs.insert(position, tab)
[docs] def insert_before_route(self, title, route_name, before_route): """Creates a new dashboard tab and inserts it before an existing tab by route name :param title: Title string to appear in the dashboard HTML :type title: str :param route_name: The registered route name (optionally prefixed with ``dashboard.``) :type route_name: str :param before_route: The route name to insert this tab before. :type before_route: str :raises ValueError: When ``before_route`` is not found in registered tabs """ tab = DashboardTab(title, route_name) self.insert_tab_before_route(tab, before_route)
[docs] def insert_tab_before_route(self, tab, before_route): """Insert a new dashboard tab before an existing tab by route name :param tab: DashboardTab instance :type tab: DashboardTab :param before_route: The route name to insert this tab before. :type before_route: str :raises ValueError: When ``before_route`` is not found in registered tabs """ before_check = frozenset((before_route, "dashboard." + before_route)) for i, cur_tab in enumerate(self.tabs): if cur_tab.route_name in before_check: position = i break else: raise ValueError("Route {} not found".format(before_route)) self.insert_tab(tab, position)
[docs] def insert_after_route(self, title, route_name, after_route): """Creates a new dashboard tab and inserts it after an existing tab by route name :param title: Title string to appear in the dashboard HTML :type title: str :param route_name: The registered route name (optionally prefixed with ``dashboard.``) :type route_name: str :param after_route: The route name to insert this tab after. :type after_route: str :raises ValueError: When ``after_route`` is not found in registered tabs """ tab = DashboardTab(title, route_name) self.insert_tab_after_route(tab, after_route)
[docs] def insert_tab_after_route(self, tab, after_route): """Insert a new dashboard tab after an existing tab by route name :param tab: DashboardTab instance :type tab: DashboardTab :param after_route: The route name to insert this tab after. :type after_route: str :raises ValueError: When ``after_route`` is not found in registered tabs """ after_check = frozenset((after_route, "dashboard." + after_route)) for i, cur_tab in enumerate(self.tabs): if cur_tab.route_name in after_check: position = i + 1 break else: raise ValueError("Route {} not found".format(after_route)) self.insert_tab(tab, position)
[docs] def remove(self, route_name): """Remove a tab by route name :param route_name: The registered route name (optionally prefixed with ``dashboard.``) :type route_name: str """ route_check = frozenset((route_name, "dashboard." + route_name)) self.tabs = [t for t in self.tabs if t.route_name not in route_check]
def __iter__(self): return iter(self.tabs)
BROWSEABLE_MODELS = [ "Info", "Network", "Node", "Participant", "Question", "Transformation", "Transmission", ] def database_children(): for model_type in BROWSEABLE_MODELS: yield DashboardTab( model_type + "s", "dashboard.database", None, {"model_type": model_type} ) dashboard_tabs = DashboardTabs( [ DashboardTab("Home", "dashboard.index"), DashboardTab("Heroku", "dashboard.heroku"), DashboardTab("MTurk", "dashboard.mturk"), DashboardTab("Monitoring", "dashboard.monitoring"), DashboardTab("Lifecycle", "dashboard.lifecycle"), DashboardTab("Database", "dashboard.database", database_children), ] ) def load_user(userid): admin_user = current_app.config.get("ADMIN_USER") if userid != return return admin_user def load_user_from_request(request): admin_user = current_app.config.get("ADMIN_USER") auth = request.authorization if auth: if auth["username"] != return if auth["password"] == admin_user.password: return admin_user return def unauthorized(): config = get_config() if config.get("mode") == "debug": abort(401) redirect_url = make_login_url("dashboard.login", next_url=request.url) return redirect(redirect_url) dashboard = Blueprint("dashboard", __name__, url_prefix="/dashboard") @dashboard.errorhandler(401) def custom_401(error): return Response( "Unauthorized", 401, {"WWW-Authenticate": 'Basic realm="Login Required"'} ) def validate_username(form, field): admin_user = current_app.config.get("ADMIN_USER") if != raise ValidationError("Unknown user") def next_default(): return request.args.get("next") class LoginForm(FlaskForm): next = HiddenField("next", default=next_default) username = StringField("Username", validators=[DataRequired(), validate_username]) password = PasswordField("Password", validators=[DataRequired()]) remember_me = BooleanField("Remember Me") submit = SubmitField("Sign In") def is_safe_url(url): base = url_for("index") if url.startswith("/") or url.startswith(base): return True return False @dashboard.route("/login", methods=["GET", "POST"]) def login(): next_url = request.form.get("next", request.args.get("next")) next_url = ( next_url if next_url and is_safe_url(next_url) else url_for("dashboard.index") ) if current_user.is_authenticated: return redirect(next_url) form = LoginForm() if not form.is_submitted(): return render_template("login.html", title="Sign In", form=form) if form.validate_on_submit(): admin_user = current_app.config.get("ADMIN_USER") if not admin_user.password == flash("Invalid username or password", "danger") return redirect(url_for("dashboard.login")) login_user(admin_user, flash("You are now logged in!", "success") return redirect(next_url) flash("There was a problem with your submission", "danger") return render_template("login.html", title="Sign In", form=form) @dashboard.route("/logout") def logout(): logout_user() return redirect(url_for("dashboard.index")) @dashboard.route("/") @dashboard.route("/index") @login_required def index(): """Displays active experiment configuation""" config = sorted(get_config().as_dict().items()) return render_template( "dashboard_home.html", title="Dashboard Home", configuration=config ) @dashboard.route("/heroku") @login_required def heroku(): """Assemble links from Heroku add-on info, stored in config, plus some standard dashboard links. """ config = get_config() if config.get("mode") == "debug": flash( "This experiment is running in debug mode and is not deployed to Heroku", "warning", ) return render_template("dashboard_heroku.html", links=[]) heroku_app = HerokuApp(config.get("heroku_app_id_root")) links = [ {"url": heroku_app.dashboard_url, "title": "Heroku dashboard"}, {"url": heroku_app.dashboard_metrics_url, "title": "Heroku metrics"}, ] details = json.loads( config.get("infrastructure_debug_details", six.text_type("{}")) ) links.extend( [{"title": v["title"].title(), "url": v["url"]} for v in details.values()] ) return render_template("dashboard_heroku.html", links=links) tz = get_localzone() def when_with_relative_time(dt): now = tz.localize( formatted = dt.strftime("%a %b %-d") return "{} ({})".format(formatted, timeago.format(dt, now)) class NotUsingMTurkRecruiter(Exception): """The experiment does not use the MTurk Recruiter""" class MTurkDataSource(object): def __init__(self, recruiter): self._recruiter = recruiter try: self._mturk = recruiter.mturkservice except AttributeError: raise NotUsingMTurkRecruiter() @property def is_sandbox(self): return self._recruiter.is_sandbox @property def _mturk_root(self): if self.is_sandbox: return "" return "" @property def account_balance(self): return self._mturk.account_balance() @property def ad_url(self): hit_id = self._recruiter.current_hit_id() template = "{}&assignmentId=ASSIGNMENT_ID_NOT_AVAILABLE&hitId={}" if hit_id is not None: return template.format(self._recruiter.ad_url, hit_id) @property def current_hit(self): hit_id = self._recruiter.current_hit_id()"HIT is: {}".format(hit_id)) if hit_id is not None: return self._mturk.get_hit(hit_id) @property def requester_url(self): return "{}/manage".format(self._mturk_root) @property def qualification_types_url(self): return "{}/qualification_types".format(self._mturk_root) _fake_hit_data = { "annotation": None, "assignments_available": 1, "assignments_completed": 0, "assignments_pending": 0, "created": tz.localize( - timedelta(minutes=10)), "description": "Fake HIT Description", "expiration": tz.localize( + timedelta(hours=6)), "id": "3X7837UUADRXYCA1K7JAJLKC66DJ60", "keywords": ["testkw1", "testkw2"], "max_assignments": 1, "qualification_type_ids": ["000000000000000000L0", "00000000000000000071"], "review_status": "NotReviewed", "reward": 0.01, "status": "Assignable", "title": "Fake HIT Title", "type_id": "3V76OXST9SAE3THKN85FUPK7730050", "worker_url": "", } class FakeMTurkDataSource(object): account_balance = 1234.5 ad_url = "" requester_url = "" qualification_types_url = "" is_sandbox = True def __init__(self): self.current_hit = _fake_hit_data.copy() class MTurkDashboardInformation(object): def __init__(self, config, data_source): self._config = config self._source = data_source @property def hit(self): return self._source.current_hit @property def hit_info(self): hit = self.hit if hit is not None: return { "HIT Id": hit["id"], "Title": hit["title"], "Keywords": ", ".join(hit["keywords"]), "Base payment": "${:.2f}".format(hit["reward"]), "Description": hit["description"], "Creation time": when_with_relative_time(hit["created"]), "Expiration time": when_with_relative_time(hit["expiration"]), "Assignments requested": hit["max_assignments"], "Assignments available": hit["assignments_available"], "Assignments completed": hit["assignments_completed"], "Assignments pending": hit["assignments_pending"], } @property def hit_expiration_isoformat(self): hit = self.hit if hit is not None: return self.hit["expiration"].strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M") @property def is_sandbox(self): return self._source.is_sandbox @property def account_balance(self): return "${:.2f}".format(self._source.account_balance) @property def last_updated(self): return"%X") @property def ad_url(self): return self._source.ad_url @property def requester_url(self): return self._source.requester_url @property def qualification_types_url(self): return self._source.qualification_types_url @property def expire_command(self): app_id = self._config.get("id") sandbox_option = " --sandbox " if self._source.is_sandbox else " " return "dallinger expire{}--app {}".format(sandbox_option, app_id) def mturk_data_source(config): recruiter = recruiters.from_config(config) try: return MTurkDataSource(recruiter) except NotUsingMTurkRecruiter: if config.get("mode") == "debug": flash( "Debug mode: Fake MTurk information provided for testing only.", "warning", ) return FakeMTurkDataSource() else: raise @dashboard.route("/mturk") @login_required def mturk(): config = get_config() try: data_source = mturk_data_source(config) except NotUsingMTurkRecruiter: flash("This experiment does not use the MTurk Recruiter.", "danger") return render_template( "dashboard_mturk.html", title="MTurk Dashboard", data=None ) helper = MTurkDashboardInformation(config, data_source) data = { "account_balance": helper.account_balance, "ad_url": helper.ad_url, "hit_info": helper.hit_info, "hit_expiration": helper.hit_expiration_isoformat, "last_updated": helper.last_updated, "requester_url": helper.requester_url, "is_sandbox": helper.is_sandbox, "qualification_types_url": helper.qualification_types_url, "expire_command": helper.expire_command, } return render_template("dashboard_mturk.html", title="MTurk Dashboard", data=data) @dashboard.route("/monitoring") @login_required def monitoring(): from sqlalchemy import distinct, func from dallinger.experiment_server.experiment_server import Experiment, session from dallinger.models import Network exp = Experiment(session) panes = exp.monitoring_panels(**request.args.to_dict(flat=False)) network_structure = exp.network_structure(**request.args.to_dict(flat=False)) vis_options = exp.node_visualization_options() net_roles = ( session.query(Network.role, func.count(Network.role)) .group_by(Network.role) .order_by(Network.role) .all() ) net_ids = [ i[0] for i in session.query(distinct( ] return render_template( "dashboard_monitor.html", title="Experiment Monitoring", panes=panes, network_structure=json.dumps(network_structure, default=date_handler), net_roles=net_roles, net_ids=net_ids, vis_options=json.dumps(vis_options), ) @dashboard.route("/node_details/<object_type>/<obj_id>") @login_required def node_details(object_type, obj_id): from dallinger.experiment_server.experiment_server import Experiment, session exp = Experiment(session) html_data = exp.node_visualization_html(object_type, obj_id) return Response(html_data, status=200, mimetype="text/html") @dashboard.route("/lifecycle") @login_required def lifecycle(): config = get_config() try: mturk = MTurkDashboardInformation(config, mturk_data_source(config)) except NotUsingMTurkRecruiter: mturk = None sandbox_option = " --sandbox " if config.get("mode") == "sandbox" else " " data = { "heroku_app_id": config.get("heroku_app_id_root"), "expire_command": mturk.expire_command if mturk else None, "sandbox_option": sandbox_option, } return render_template( "dashboard_lifecycle.html", title="Experiment lifecycle Dashboard", **data ) TABLE_DEFAULTS = { "dom": "frtilBpP", "ordering": True, "searching": True, "select": True, "paging": True, "lengthChange": True, "searchPanes": {"threshold": 0.99}, "buttons": [ { "extend": "collection", "text": "Export", "buttons": ["export_json", "csvHtml5", "print"], }, ], } def prep_datatables_options(table_data): """Attempts to generate a reasonable a DataTables config""" datatables_options = deepcopy(TABLE_DEFAULTS) datatables_options.update(deepcopy(table_data)) # Display objects and arrays in useful ways for row in datatables_options.get("data", []): for col in datatables_options.get("columns", []): data = col["data"] if isinstance(data, dict): key = data.get("_") else: key = data display_key = key + "_display" value = row[key] row[display_key] = "<code>{}</code>".format( json.dumps(value, default=date_handler) ) if isinstance(row[key], (list, dict)): col["data"] = { "_": key, "filter": key, "display": display_key, } col["searchPanes"] = { "orthogonal": { "display": "filter", "sort": "filter", "search": "filter", "type": "type", } } if "render" in col: del col["render"] if isinstance(row[key], dict): # Make sure SearchPanes can show dict values reasonably row[key] = json.dumps(value, default=date_handler) # Add indentation row[display_key] = "<code>{}</code>".format( json.dumps(value, default=date_handler, indent=True) ) elif isinstance(row[key], list): # Make sure SearchPanes can show list values reasonably row[key] = json.dumps(value, default=date_handler) return datatables_options @dashboard.route("/database") @login_required def database(): from dallinger.experiment_server.experiment_server import Experiment, session title = "Database View" exp = Experiment(session) model_type = request.args.get("model_type") if model_type: title = "Database View: {}s".format(model_type) datatables_options = prep_datatables_options( exp.table_data(**request.args.to_dict(flat=False)) ) columns = [ c.get("name") or c["data"] for c in datatables_options.get("columns", []) if c.get("data") ] # Extend with custom actions actions = { "extend": "collection", "text": "Actions", "buttons": [], } buttons = actions["buttons"] exp_actions = exp.dashboard_database_actions() for action in exp_actions: buttons.append( { "extend": "route_action", "text": action["title"], "route_name": action["name"], } ) is_sandbox = getattr(recruiters.from_config(get_config()), "is_sandbox", None) if is_sandbox is True or is_sandbox is False: buttons.append("compensate") else: is_sandbox = None if len(buttons): datatables_options["buttons"].append(actions) return render_template( "dashboard_database.html", title=title, columns=columns, is_sandbox=is_sandbox, datatables_options=json.dumps( datatables_options, default=date_handler, indent=True ), ) @dashboard.route("/database/action/<route_name>", methods=["POST"]) @login_required def database_action(route_name): from dallinger.experiment_server.experiment_server import Experiment, session data = request.json exp = Experiment(session) if route_name not in {a["name"] for a in exp.dashboard_database_actions()}: return error_response( error_text="Access to {} not allowed".format(route_name), status=403 ) route_func = getattr(exp, route_name, None) if route_func is None: return error_response( error_text="Method {} not found".format(route_name), status=404 ) result = route_func(data) session.commit() if result.get("message"): flash(result["message"], "success") return success_response(**result)